Finding a Pepper Spray - Choosing Between Different Types

Protecting yourself is important, and one effective way for any person to protect him or herself is through pepper spray. Spraying this substance within feet of an attacker temporarily blinds that person and allows you to get away and contact help. Nevertheless, one dilemma facing many when purchasing this substance is which type to choose. The capsaicin stream is released from the can in four different methods and, additionally, the can had the option of being camouflaged or visible. Although some states have restrictions on the concentration of capsaicin, the stream of liquid has four different options for the user.

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The most common type of pepper spray is forced cone, in which a fine mist comes out of the can when dispensed. The mist covers an area of four to six feet away from you when sprayed and comes out in a broken stream. When distributed in a circular motion, the pepper spray has a better chance of hitting the attacker. Broken stream is dispensed through a similar method, but the capsaicin is more of a liquid once it leaves the can. With a heavier stream, the pepper spray is more concentrated and, if you have a stronger aim, your target will receive more of the spray.

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A fogger is another option for covering a large area with pepper spray and hitting your attacker better. A fogger releases capsaicin in finer droplets that disperse over a wider area. In this case, your aim isn't as important, as the substance will reach your attacker, but disadvantage of foggers is blow back by the wind when used outdoors.

If you're looking for a method to fully protect yourself, pepper foam spray is the most effective. The capsaicin is released from the can as thick foam that, with good aim, will stick to your attacker better and will accumulate. If the attacker attempts to rub it out of his or her eyes, the foam will be impossible to get out and becomes more irritating through rubbing.

When looking for pepper spray to protect yourself, decide which one will fit your needs better. Do you think you can aim well, or will you need one that disperses over a large area? Are you protecting yourself or others? Think about these factors and then decide on the pepper spray that fits your needs best.

Finding a Pepper Spray - Choosing Between Different Types
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